What Documents Are Needed to Create a Financial Plan With a Professional?

When you meet with a financial advisor to begin creating your financial plan, at first it may seem as though they ask for quite a bit of documentation and information about your personal financial situation. However, this information will help create the most complete and comprehensive financial plan. Additionally, the process of retrieving and organizing this information will help you realize where your money is, give you more confidence and control of your money, and give you a more honest reflection of what you need to do. Some information that professionals will want to know before creating your personal plan are:

  • Cash assets
    • Checking and savings accounts
    • Money market accounts
    • Certificates of Deposit, etc.
  • Investments
    • Stocks (stock options)
    • Bonds (include Municipal, Corporate, Zero coupon and Gov’t Saving bonds)
    • Mutual funds
    • ETF
    • Unit Trusts
  • Insurance contracts
    • Permanent Insurance (Whole life, Universal, etc.)
    • Term life
    • Annuities (settlements – see legal below) etc.
  • Personal assets

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